Name: ESRI Demographics 2017 - Countywide Stat. Areas (centroid)
Display Field: CITY_TYPE
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Countywide Statistical Areas from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/18/18 - layer createdDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseThe CSA project was developed to provide a common geographic boundary for reporting departmental statistics for unincorporated areas to the Board of Supervisors. The CIO and the LA County Enterprise GIS group worked with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Unincorporated Area and Field Deputies to establish names that reflect as best as possible the general name preferences of residents and historical names of areas. A Board Motion will establish these area names as “Board Approved.” CSAs differ from the more informal “Community” geographies because:They are primarily focused on broad statistics and reporting, not mapping of communities.They represent board approved geographies comprised of Census block groups split by cities.They must cover the entire unincorporated CountyThere can be no holes or overlapping areasThe CSAs were created using Census Block Groups split by cities (e.g. "Split Block Groups") as a geographic building block. This allows users to leverage the rich information provided by the US Census Bureau to better report statistics, including rates from the decennial census and population estimates. Population estimates are included in the POPULATION field. These values represent the most recently available population estimate information for the year 2016.In the City of Los Angeles, the LA City Neighborhood file was overlaid on the Block Groups and boundaries assigned using the centroid of the block group - therefore, while the names of the CSAs in LA City match the neighborhood file, the boundaries are not the same.Additionally, CSAs are to be named according to the following recommended naming conventions:All names will be assumed to begin with “Unincorporated” (e.g. Unincorporated El Camino Village). They will not be part of the Statistical Geography Name (so the name of the Statistical Area would be “El Camino Village”).Names will not contain “Island” – beginning each name with “Unincorporated” will distinguish an area from any surrounding cities. There may be one or more exceptions for certain small areas (e.g. “Bandini Islands”)A forward slash implies an undetermined boundary between two areas within a statistical geography (e.g. Westfield/Academy Hills or View Park/Windsor Hills)Certain established names may include hyphens (e.g. Florence-Firestone)Aliases may be defined in parentheses (e.g. Unincorporated Long Beach (Bonner/Carson Park))
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/11/18 - created layerDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Name: ESRI Demographics 2017 - Block Groups (centroid)
Display Field: CDP_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/11/18 - layer createdDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2016 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2016 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:2/27/17 - layer created4/12/17 - updated with Educational Attainment layersDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2016 Total Population (Esri)2016 Total Population Density (Esri)2016 Average Household Size (Esri)2016 Median Household Income (Esri)2016 Average Household Income (Esri)2016 Total Housing Units (Esri)2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)2016 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2016 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2016 Diversity Index (Esri)2016 Education: < 9th Grade2016 Education: High School/No Diploma2016 Education: High School Diploma2016 Education: GED2016 Education: Some College/No Degree2016 Education: Associate's Degree2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree2016 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2016 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau
Name: ESRI Demographics 2016 - Block Groups (centroid)
Display Field: CDP_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2016 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2016 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:2/27/17 - layer created4/12/17 - updated with Educational Attainment layersDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2016 Total Population (Esri)2016 Total Population Density (Esri)2016 Average Household Size (Esri)2016 Median Household Income (Esri)2016 Average Household Income (Esri)2016 Total Housing Units (Esri)2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)2016 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2016 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2016 Diversity Index (Esri)2016 Education: < 9th Grade2016 Education: High School/No Diploma2016 Education: High School Diploma2016 Education: GED2016 Education: Some College/No Degree2016 Education: Associate's Degree2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree2016 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2016 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau
Description: This is the outline of LA County to be used for cartographic purposes. There is a "LINE TYPE" field that can be used to symbolize thick lines for the majority of the county outline, then thin lines for the complex areas like Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor. Updated 1/9/13 to include Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor area adjustment (DPW linework)
Description: Every ten years, the United States attempts to count every person in the country through a process called the Decennial Census. It is mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The latest Census was conducted on April 1, 2010, and provides a snapshot of how many people there are and where they live.Once we know how many people there are and where they live in the County of Los Angeles, the population must be divided as evenly as possible into five supervisorial districts for the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors. Adjusting the boundaries is called “redistricting.”Per California Election Code Section 21500, et seq., the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is required to adjust the boundaries of any or all of the supervisorial districts following each decennial federal census to ensure fair representation. Adjustments to the boundaries are made to ensure that districts are made to be “as nearly equal in population as may be.”Adopted 9/27/11, effective 10/27/11.NOTE: Updated on 1/15/15 to match the layer on eGIS SDE database (with the exception of the LB / San Pedro ports). Original layer DRP had was less accurate as far as lining up with city boundaries - this was exported to 'GEODATABASES/admin_dist' database on 1/14/15.
Name: ESRI Demographics 2017 - Countywide Stat. Areas
Display Field: CITY_TYPE
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Countywide Statistical Areas from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/18/18 - layer createdDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseThe CSA project was developed to provide a common geographic boundary for reporting departmental statistics for unincorporated areas to the Board of Supervisors. The CIO and the LA County Enterprise GIS group worked with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Unincorporated Area and Field Deputies to establish names that reflect as best as possible the general name preferences of residents and historical names of areas. A Board Motion will establish these area names as “Board Approved.” CSAs differ from the more informal “Community” geographies because:They are primarily focused on broad statistics and reporting, not mapping of communities.They represent board approved geographies comprised of Census block groups split by cities.They must cover the entire unincorporated CountyThere can be no holes or overlapping areasThe CSAs were created using Census Block Groups split by cities (e.g. "Split Block Groups") as a geographic building block. This allows users to leverage the rich information provided by the US Census Bureau to better report statistics, including rates from the decennial census and population estimates. Population estimates are included in the POPULATION field. These values represent the most recently available population estimate information for the year 2016.In the City of Los Angeles, the LA City Neighborhood file was overlaid on the Block Groups and boundaries assigned using the centroid of the block group - therefore, while the names of the CSAs in LA City match the neighborhood file, the boundaries are not the same.Additionally, CSAs are to be named according to the following recommended naming conventions:All names will be assumed to begin with “Unincorporated” (e.g. Unincorporated El Camino Village). They will not be part of the Statistical Geography Name (so the name of the Statistical Area would be “El Camino Village”).Names will not contain “Island” – beginning each name with “Unincorporated” will distinguish an area from any surrounding cities. There may be one or more exceptions for certain small areas (e.g. “Bandini Islands”)A forward slash implies an undetermined boundary between two areas within a statistical geography (e.g. Westfield/Academy Hills or View Park/Windsor Hills)Certain established names may include hyphens (e.g. Florence-Firestone)Aliases may be defined in parentheses (e.g. Unincorporated Long Beach (Bonner/Carson Park))
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/11/18 - created layerDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2017 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2017 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:4/11/18 - layer createdDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2017 Total Population (Esri)2017 Total Population Density (Esri)2017 Average Household Size (Esri)2017 Median Household Income (Esri)2017 Average Household Income (Esri)2017 Total Housing Units (Esri)2017 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2017 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2017 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2017 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2017 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri)2017 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2017 Diversity Index (Esri)2017 Education: < 9th Grade2017 Education: High School/No Diploma2017 Education: High School Diploma2017 Education: GED2017 Education: Some College/No Degree2017 Education: Associate's Degree2017 Education: Bachelor's Degree2017 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2017 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau, ESRI
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2016 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2016 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:2/27/17 - layer created4/12/17 - updated with Educational Attainment layersDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2016 Total Population (Esri)2016 Total Population Density (Esri)2016 Average Household Size (Esri)2016 Median Household Income (Esri)2016 Average Household Income (Esri)2016 Total Housing Units (Esri)2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)2016 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2016 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2016 Diversity Index (Esri)Extremely Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Very Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Moderate Income (California Department of Housing and Community Development)2016 Education: < 9th Grade2016 Education: High School/No Diploma2016 Education: High School Diploma2016 Education: GED2016 Education: Some College/No Degree2016 Education: Associate's Degree2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree2016 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2016 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau
Description: This layer was generated by the Department of Regional Planning and looks at various ESRI 2016 Demographics data. This was used for a project for Equity Development Tools, but was shared with the Enterprise Group who may also find this information useful. Below are a list of attributes that were used, and below that list is a definition of the Census Block Groups from eGIS. For more information about ESRI 2016 Demographics, click here.UPDATE HISTORY:2/27/17 - layer created4/12/17 - updated with Educational Attainment layersDEMOGRAPHIC DATA INCLUDED:2016 Total Population (Esri)2016 Total Population Density (Esri)2016 Average Household Size (Esri)2016 Median Household Income (Esri)2016 Average Household Income (Esri)2016 Total Housing Units (Esri)2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units (Esri)2016 Vacant Housing Units (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri)2016 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri)2016 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri)2016 Unemployment Rate (Esri)2016 White Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Black/African American Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Asian Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Other Race Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Multiple Races Non-Hispanic Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri)2016 Minority Population (Esri) - Percentage2016 Diversity Index (Esri)Extremely Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Very Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Low Income (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)Moderate Income (California Department of Housing and Community Development)2016 Education: < 9th Grade2016 Education: High School/No Diploma2016 Education: High School Diploma2016 Education: GED2016 Education: Some College/No Degree2016 Education: Associate's Degree2016 Education: Bachelor's Degree2016 Education: Grad/Professional Degree2016 Educational Attainment BaseINFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS BLOCK GROUPSIMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau