Description: This is the outline of LA County to be used for cartographic purposes. There is a "LINE TYPE" field that can be used to symbolize thick lines for the majority of the county outline, then thin lines for the complex areas like Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor. Updated 1/9/13 to include Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor area adjustment (DPW linework)
Description: The Provisional Service Planning Area (SPA)Layer contains Department of Public Health SPAs as of 2011. Furthermore, Health Districts comprise the building blocks of Los Angeles County SPAs. The Provisional SPAs were created by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for planning purposes and are subject to change.
Description: Countywide layer which divides the County of Los Angeles into 11 Planning Areas. These area divisions were created for DRP by the GIS Section under direction from the General Plan Development Section. Reflects the most recent changes from the General Plan update (revision 5--December, 2011), imported to SDE 8/20/12. UPDATED 1/9/13 for adjustment in Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor area (DPW linework). UPDATE HISTORY10/9/14 - copied PLANNING_AREAS and updated boundary betwen proposed Antelope Valley Area Plan and Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan.11/24/14 - updated to include La Crescenta FROM San Fernando Valley TO West San Gabriel Valley.11/22/16 - updated from massive city boundary update per DPW data.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: Every ten years, the United States attempts to count every person in the country through a process called the Decennial Census. It is mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The latest Census was conducted on April 1, 2010, and provides a snapshot of how many people there are and where they live.Once we know how many people there are and where they live in the County of Los Angeles, the population must be divided as evenly as possible into five supervisorial districts for the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors. Adjusting the boundaries is called “redistricting.”Per California Election Code Section 21500, et seq., the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is required to adjust the boundaries of any or all of the supervisorial districts following each decennial federal census to ensure fair representation. Adjustments to the boundaries are made to ensure that districts are made to be “as nearly equal in population as may be.”Adopted 9/27/11, effective 10/27/11.NOTE: Updated on 1/15/15 to match the layer on eGIS SDE database (with the exception of the LB / San Pedro ports). Original layer DRP had was less accurate as far as lining up with city boundaries - this was exported to 'GEODATABASES/admin_dist' database on 1/14/15.
Description: This is a layer of Libraries that is intended to follow the outline of the building outline with a 10 foot buffer to smoothe out the edges. It originally came from the analysis done by DRP in 2010 for Jessica's Law, and LMS was used to join the spatial attributes to it. It has a field called 'GIS_LAYER_SOURCE' indicating the data source and date generated.Next StepsUpdate History:2/8/17 - Combined Building Outlines and LMS data and applied 10 foot buffer to building outline.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, Assessor, eGIS
Description: This is a layer of Parks that is intended to follow the outline of the parcel upon which it resides. This layer came from the Department of Parks and Rec 'Parks Needs Assessment' for TYPE = "Local Park". This type distinguishes developed parks from the large regional parks or natural areas, as a sensitive use is focused on parks with playgrounds and other amenities where children would be present. Additional work was done to add polygons from our 2010-2012 Jessica's Law analysis to capture additional parks and sports complexes not covered by the Parks Needs Assessment (with the exception of Golf Courses). A 'SOURCE' field was added to distinguish these two sources. Below is a brief description of the Jessica's Law methodology:Jessica's Law methodology: The basis for the 2011 parks data layer began with the State of California’s Protected Areas Database (CPAD) in conjunction with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) existing land use layers from 2005 and 2008. These data layers were cross checked against one another for spatial accuracy and verified with ortho and oblique aerial imagery, and street level imagery. Last update: January 2011. Source: State of California, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), Thomas Bros. Map Company, Google Maps, Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning, Los Angeles County Parks and RecreationUpdate History:2/7/17 - Extracted layer from Parks Needs Assessment.6/19/17 - Added additional polygons from Jessica's Law analysis, did QC on theseNext Steps2/8/17 - Compare with Jessica's Law layer - some parks in this layer cover undeveloped park area. DONE
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, Assessor, eGIS, SCAG, Google, Thomas Bros (from 2010-2012 analysis)
Description: This is a layer of K - 12 Schools that is intended to follow the outline of the parcel upon which the it resides. It is a combination of a point layer that was geocoded from the Department of Education (DOE) from February, 2017, and the selected parcel from which it intersected. The DOE updates their public schools list weekly, and the private schools once a year. Original downloads can be found in 'OUTSIDE_ENTITIES\Other_Agencies\CA_Dept_of_Education. The eGIS Land Types layer was merged with it as the 'point-to-parcel' selection didn't get every parcel within the school. Additionally, the layer from the Jessica's Law analysis was used to get any schools that were missed. Below is a description of the Jessica's Law methodology:Jessica's Law Analysis: The primary data source for this 2011 layer came from the 2008 Jessica’s Law project performed for the Board of Supervisors. That project pulled coded information from parcel data and checked it against existing Thomas Bros. data and Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium (LAR-IAC) 4” resolution aerial imagery. A further step was taken with the layer by comparing it with information from the Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS Repository, the Los Angeles Times California School Guide website, and by using ortho and oblique aerial imagery, and street level imagery to verify the accuracy of the data. Last update: January 2011.Below is a description of the fields, as well as the update history and next steps:AIN - Assessor's Parcel IDCDS_Code- for schools from DOE, this is the unique identifier for each school. DOE separates the two lists between public and private, so this field can be used in both lists (ie. for future updates or quality checking.FullAddress- this is the address that came from DOE. Any school with a source of "Jessica's Law" or 'eGIS LAND TYPES" will not have this field.SCHOOL_NAME- Name of the school.SOURCE_NOTES- states where this school came from (DOE, Jessica's Law analysis, or eGIS LAND_TYPES).SCHOOL_TYPE - this is the type of school (elementary, HS, etc.). There is not a consistancy with naming within this field as this layer came from multiple sources. This will have to be cleaned up eventually.QC_NOTES - This states whether a school is within unincorporated or within 1,000 feet of unincorporated. For QC purposes, this 'Unin + 1000 foot buffer' area was focused on due to time constraints for using this layer for the Cannabis Ordinance.Update History:2/7/17 - Combined Land Types and geocoded 'point-to-parcel' layers.6/27/17 - added Jessica's law polygons and QC'd areas within unincorporated + 1,000 feet. Should also get latest schools at some point.Next Steps2/8/17 - Additional comparisons need to be made with the Jessica's Law layer and the '...SCHOOLS_ADDITIONAL_FROM_ASSESSOR' layer to try and find newly constructed schools. The latest point layer from DOE should also be used to fill in the attributes for those additional polygons. DONE 6/27/176/27/17 - need to clean up data still. Some polygons need to be merged - especially the Jessica's Law and DOE polys. School Type field needs consistant naming.
Description: This is the parcel version of the 'SENSITIVE_USES_ALCOHOL_DRUG_REHAB_POINTS' layer (see metadata description below). IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all of the rehab points are represented here. An effort to quality control the points layer was done to make sure points were in a parcel for the unincorporated areas an areas within 1/2 mile of an unincorporated area. Any rehab point within an unincorporated area or 1/2 mile of an unincorporated area are represented as a parcel in this layer; the points outside of a 1/2 mile of an unincorporated area may not have a parcel since those points were not QC'd.Description of points layer:This data was downloaded from the State of California Department of Health Care Services, Substance Use Disorder Compliance Division (SUDCD). Click here for website. A spreadsheet was downloaded on 9/11/17 and is current as of Sept. 2017; original spreadsheet is on DRP's Drobo drive 'Outside Entities/DHCS'. This spreadsheet was then geocoded (direct link to data download is here) and those points within Unincorporated areas and within 1/2 mile of an Unincorporated area were coded--of these records, the ones that did not geocode to a parcel were manually moved to one (17 total met this criteria). QC'd all points that are within unincorporated and 1/2 mile of unincorporated.The final statistics of this layer are as follows:510 are in Los Angeles County44 are in Unincorporated76 are within 1/2 mile of Unincorporated.UPDATE HISTORY:9/11/17 - downloaded and geocoded.9/12/17 - QC of points within unincorporated and 1/2 mile of unin (see QC field)9/13/17 - converted points to parcels (see important note above), and imported to SDE
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Name: Alcohol and Drug Rehab buffer (600' is default)
Display Field: Desc_
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, C-RU, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:7/3/17 - added to SDE after first model run7/19/17 - did another model run to include C-RU zones, Residential, and updated Daycare layer (moving from points to parcel polygons)10/4/17 - added buffer distance of 800' and added Alcohol and Drug Rehab facilities (model run was done on 9/18/17)
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: These buffers are an output from a model and are unioned with selected zoning categories. Presently the zoning categories that would allow this use (per the latest draft ordinance) are C-M, M-1, M-1.5, M-2, M-2.5. This layer has those zones and the buffers that intersect them. They are to be used in an online web mapping application.Update History:6/29/17 - added to SDE after first model run
Description: This uses the 'Tesselation' tool to create hexbins. The 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMANING_PARCELS' was used as an extent layer (with the 'cut by buffer AND lt 2000 sf' queried out) and 60,000,000 Square Feet was entered in the area field...this produced hexbins in which the centroids were 2,500 feet apart. This was further analysed to select the hexbins in which one facility could fit within it, and coded as 'INCLUDE'. If there was an adjacent hexbin less than2,500 square feet of a remaining zoning area, that Hexbin was notincluded.UPDATE HISTORY:7/31/17 - imported into SDE based on the latest 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMAINING_PARCELS' layer as of this date.
Description: This uses the 'Tesselation' tool to create hexbins. The 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMANING_PARCELS' was used as an extent layer (with the 'cut by buffer AND lt 2000 sf' queried out) and 60,000,000 Square Feet was entered in the area field...this produced hexbins in which the centroids were 2,500 feet apart. This was further analysed to select the hexbins in which one facility could fit within it, and coded as 'INCLUDE'. If there was an adjacent hexbin less than2,500 square feet of a remaining zoning area, that Hexbin was notincluded.UPDATE HISTORY:7/31/17 - imported into SDE based on the latest 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMAINING_PARCELS' layer as of this date.
Description: This uses the 'Tesselation' tool to create hexbins. The 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMANING_PARCELS' was used as an extent layer (with the 'cut by buffer AND lt 2000 sf' queried out) and 60,000,000 Square Feet was entered in the area field...this produced hexbins in which the centroids were 2,500 feet apart. This was further analysed to select the hexbins in which one facility could fit within it, and coded as 'INCLUDE'. If there was an adjacent hexbin less than2,500 square feet of a remaining zoning area, that Hexbin was notincluded.UPDATE HISTORY:7/31/17 - imported into SDE based on the latest 'ELIGIBLE_ZONING_REMAINING_PARCELS' layer as of this date.
Description: IMPORTANT! This file includes the 2012 Census Geography Update, which merged Tracts 1370.00 and 9304.01 into the combined tract 1370.00, and created Block Groups 1 and 2 within that tract. So the BG10 field actually reflects the 2012 Census update, which is used for all population products.Geographic Terms and Concepts - Block GroupsBlock Groups (BGs) are statistical divisions of census tracts, are generally defined to contain between 600 and 3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A block group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their four-digit census block number. For example, blocks 3001, 3002, 3003, . . ., 3999 in census tract 1210.02 belong to BG 3 in that census tract. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where a local or tribal government declined to participate, and a regional organization or State Data Center was not available to participate.A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within the census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross state, county, or census tract boundaries but may cross the boundaries of any other geographic entity. Tribal census tracts and tribal BGs are separate and unique geographic areas defined within federally recognized American Indian reservations and can cross state and county boundaries (see "Tribal Census Tract" and "Tribal Block Group"). The tribal census tracts and tribal block groups may be completely different from the census tracts and block groups defined by state and county.Block Group Codes—BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs beginning with a zero only contain water area and are generally in coastal and Great Lakes water and territorial seas, but also in larger inland water bodies. For the 2010 Census, a block group 0 for the water portion can be delineated in any census tract and not just those census tracts also defined to only include water area. This is a change from Census 2000, when block groups coded 0 only existed in census tracts with a code of 0. To differentiate between county-based block groups and tribal block groups, the codes for tribal block groups use an alphabetic character (see "Tribal Block Group").
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, US Census Bureau
Description: The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), on behalf of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), announces the availability of the Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool: CalEnviroScreen Version 3.0 (CalEnviroScreen 3.0). CalEnviroScreen is a screening methodology that can be used to help identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. The 3.0 report and supporting documents are available at:
Description: Zoning coverage for unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. Created during the Zoning Map Conversion and Integration Project (ZCIP), UPDATED:12/27/12 - for newly adopted Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan (OVOV) going into effect (2012-0055Z).1/17/13 - for ZCO #2012-0057 in West Whittier - Los Nietos4/30/13 - for annexation in Santa Clarita (recorded on 4/16/13)5/30/13 - for Universal City Specific Plan going into effect7/11/13 - for ZCO 2013-0018Z to go into effect (North Whittier)8/7/13 - for adding newly recorded parcels to Zoning layer (new school in Florence Firestone, APNs 6008-013-926 & 927, 6008-015-917 & 918)9/3/13 - for ZCO #2012-00002-(4) in South Whittier9/4/13 - for annexation in Santa Clarita ("Norland-Robinson Ranch" - recorded 8/15/13)9/12/13 - bike path moved to the correct location (Marina del Rey)9/25/13 - zoning clipped to parcel boundary in proposed annexation area (Florence-Firestone 2013_06_Jordan_Downs)9/30/13 - adjusting for changes in City Boundary following DRP/DPW city boundary QC with historic annexations.10/3/13 - for annexation to Glendora (from East Azusa)11/7/13 - for ZCO 2013-0036Z-(5) in Antelope Valley6/9/14 - for ZCO 2012014-0021Z in East Los Angeles.6/19/14 - for Annexation to the City of Palmdale (Annexation No. 2011-07)8/7/14 - for an added parcel in Willowbrook (6149001033)8/28/14 - for ZCO 2014-0031Z in East Pasadena - East San Gabriel10/22/14 - for Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone and subsequent Coastal Boundary change. ZCO 2006-00009 (3) was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on 8/26/14 - final certification by the California Coastal Commission on 10/10/14 - final link to document here.10/29/14 - for annexation to the City of Covina (annexation No. 2013-05)12/3/14 - to code zoning for Caltrans property where there was no parcel (adjacent to 4038007023) - in community of Lennox12/11/14 - For Zone Change in South Whittier, and 3rd Street Specific Plan.12/16/14 - for annexation to city of Santa Clarita.4/22/15 - for Florence - Firestone after Jordan Downs annexation (effective 3/19/15).4/27/15 - for East Los Angeles - adjusted to latest parcels.5/27/15 - corrected zoning in Pepperdine LRDP. After a meeting on the subject, it was realized that the Pepperdine LRDP is NOT a part of the SMM Coastal Zone, so there should be no proposed zoning here...reverted back to A-1-1-DP from 1987.7/16/15 - Updated several zoning designations in the Antelope Valley as adopted by the Board of Supervisors on 6/16/15. Click here for a link to the certified ordinance.8/31/15 - updated Universal City for Reorganization 2014-01.11/5/15 - updated for the General Plan 2035 becoming effective. Zoning Ordinance # 2015-0042 (click herefor certified ordinance).12/2/15 - updated zoning in Santa Clarita Valley following a highway re-alignment at the intersection of The Old Road and Magic Mtn Parkway. Confirmed this change with Mitch Glaser (see email on 10/7/15).12/2/15 - minor revisions to zoning block faces along dedicated ROWs in the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone, corresponding to Assessor parcel adjustments.12/10/15 - Update of Zoning Categories in 'Z_DESC' field following General Plan update of Title 22. Also, upated allcategory names so that all words are proper case (eg. "Light agriculture" changed to "Light Agriculture").1/4/16 - update for zone change # 2014-00002 in 'South Whittier - Sunshine Acres', went into effect on 12/31/15 (click herefor certified ordinance).2/24/16 - Change to zoning for ZCO 20050028z. Map, C-3, originally included with documents for change to C-3-DP. The correct zoning is C-3-DP3/29/16 - updated for slight city boundary adjustment in Palmdale (APN #3022-012-017)4/21/16 - updated San Clemente Island to match what DPW had (compared to imagery, ours was shifted)9/15/16- Updated zoning that was incorrectly mapped per ZCO 04-027 (APN# 8402-016-069 in Charter Oak)--it was intended to follow the tract boundary for TR53618. Contacted Jill Jones at County Counsel and got the OK to annotate our copy of the zone change map with the understanding that an official zone change map would be recorded with the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan. Click here for Original ordinance.11/15/16 - Updated for annexation to Santa Clarita that became effective on this day (link to official annexation document is here). Also, updates that resulted from a comprehensive city boundary update after comparison with Public Works' city boundary layer.12/19/16 - Zoning clipped to parcel boundary for parcel 8171015903 (West Whittier - Los Nietos). The Assessor made the change to the parcel line (for Sorensen Park) in January 2016. 1/5/17 - updated zoning for ZCO 2016-0063, adopted 11/22/16, and went into effect on 12/22/16. This is in Rowland Heights (APNs 8264021033 & 8264021030). Link to certified ordinance is here.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section