Description: This is the outline of LA County to be used for cartographic purposes. There is a "LINE TYPE" field that can be used to symbolize thick lines for the majority of the county outline, then thin lines for the complex areas like Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor. Updated 1/9/13 to include Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor area adjustment (DPW linework)
Description: The community standards districts are established as supplemental districts to provide a means of implementing special development standards contained in adopted neighborhood, community, area, specific and local coastal plans within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, or to provide a means of addressing special problems which are unique to certain geographic areas within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. These are the boundaries for the 'Area Specific Standards' within CSDs. Examples include Union Pacific in East Los Angeles and Lake Avenue in Altadena. UPDATE HISTORY:11/10/2009 - (San Francisquito Canyon CSD).Modified 10/22/12 (SCV / Palmdale annexations)10/22/14 - for an update of the Certified Coastal Boundary from the Coastal Commission - affects North Area and Coastal Zone11/22/16 - updated from massive city boundary update per DPW data.1/11/18 - CSD ordinance adopted on 12/12/17 by ordinance #2017-0055. The West Altadena Sub-Area was removed and the Lake Avenue Sub-Area was modified and re-named.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: The community standards districts are established as supplemental districts to provide a means of implementing special development standards contained in adopted neighborhood, community, area, specific and local coastal plans within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, or to provide a means of addressing special problems which are unique to certain geographic areas within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. UPDATE HISTORY:9/8/14 - (Missed boundary change of Agua Dulce CSD that was adopted 3/4/14 - no map in Certified Ordinance, however, the Revised Ordinance had the map)10/22/14 - for an update of the Certified Coastal Boundary from the Coastal Commission - affects North Area and Coastal Zone4/22/15 - for an annexation to Los Angeles from Florence-Firestone (Jordan Downs)2/4/16 - Removed Topanga and Malibou Lake CSDs as they were repealed with the adoption of the SMMLCP (this was not done previously)11/22/16 - updated from massive city boundary update per DPW data.1/11/18 - CSD ordinance adopted on 12/12/17 by ordinance #2017-0055. NOTE: Only the Date Adopted attribute updated, no modifications to the boundary were made...see Sub-Areas for the boundary modifications.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: Boundaries of surrounding counties and ocean. Update History:1/9/13 - to include Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor area (DPW linework)11/9/2016 - to update layer per DPW's city boundary layer...mostly fixes in the Harbor area.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Color: [156, 156, 156, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Black Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 0.0 Max. Scale: 0.0 Label Placement: esriServerPolygonPlacementAlwaysHorizontal Label Expression: [NAME] Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [0, 92, 230, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: italic Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: These are the Scenic Routes as identified in the Santa Monica Mountains North Area Plan (adopted 5/4/21). Below is a description of these routes from the Plan.Scenic Routes are selected for the unique natural aesthetic qualities that can be experienced as one drives along them. Scenic routes also include State-designated County Scenic Highways. The selected routes pass along wide swaths of undisturbed habitat, offer views of dramatic geologic or coastal formations, pass by rolling hills studded with oaks, and wind past areas rich with riparian vegetation. County Scenic Highways are recognized by the state as possessing aesthetic qualities of Statewide importance, and are marked with the familiar poppy sign
Description: The State Scenic Highway Program was created in 1963 to protect and enhance the natural scenic beauty of California highways and adjacent corridors through special conservation treatment. The LA County Scenic Highway Plan was created to conform to the State Scenic Highway Program.UPDATE HISTORY:3/30/17 - Added portion of Topanga Canyon Blvd as it was officially designated on 3/14/17 per letter from CalTrans. For newly adopted highways, click here.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: The Hillside Management areas are identified as areas of having 25% or greater slope, and this layer shows that using the Digital Elevation Model as extracted in 2006 by the LAR-IAC project. The resolution of this dataset is 5 feet for the urban areas, and 20 feet for the National Forest area. For the Castaic CSD and Santa Monica Mountains, the slope is broken down into two categories: 25 - 50% slope, and 50% or greater slope due to those ordinances / plans having those additional requirements. For more information about the countywide Hillside Management Ordinance, click here.Added to SDE on 11/30/15.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: These data include existing public trails from a comprehensive trail database of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and surrounding park lands, developed for the Interagency Regional Trail Management Plan (more info here: Trails and trail attributes were mapped through field survey with differential GPS, onscreen digitizing of ortho-rectified aerial photography, and digitizing of existing hardcopy maps.
Description: Significant ridgelines that have been adopted by several CSDs or Plans within in the unincorporated parts of the county.UPDATE HISTORY:2/27/13 - for the Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan update.9/8/14 - to delete a ridgeline that was taken out per the Agua Dulce CSD that was Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on 3/4/14.10/22/14 - to update ridgelines as a result of the final certification of the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Plan.
Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles
Department of Regional Planning
GIS Section
Description: PRC 4201 - 4204 and Govt. Code 51175-89 direct the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) to map areas of significant fire hazards based on fuels, terrain, weather, and other relevant factors. These zones, referred to as Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ), define the application of various mitigation strategies to reduce risk associated with wildland fires. CAL FIRE is remapping Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) for State Responsibility Areas (SRA) and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) recommendations in Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) to provide updated map zones, based on new data, science, and technology. This specific dataset provides FHSZs within SRA lands only, and represents the proposed zones, subject to changes based on local hearings. A subsequent dataset release will provide the actual adopted zones. Maps of the proposed zones in SRA are available at: More information about the project can be found at: - 3/5/15 by taking out any reference to Responsibility Area - that now is in a seperate, more updated layer. Per. Alfie Blanch, this layer should not have any reference to Federal, State, or Local Responsibility Areas. Also, internal slivers were filled in by doing a 'Gap topology analysis.'
Copyright Text: CAL FIRE recoginzes the important contribution of various local government entities that contributed data, maps, and comments that were critical components of the FHSZ mapping process.
Value: 0.2% Annual Chance of Flood - Reduced Risk Due To Levee (500-Year) Label: 0.2% Annual Chance of Flood - Reduced Risk Due To Levee (500-Year) Description: N/A Symbol:
Description: The National Hydrography Database (NHD) is used to map streams and other water conveyance features such as canals, pipes, etc. These features are used for mapping, flow modelling, etc.