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Coastal Commission Appeal Jurisdiction (0)
County Boundary (1)
Community Names (2)
Incorporated City Incorporated City
Unincorporated Area Unincorporated Area
City Mask (3)
Coastal Zone Boundary (4)
Coastal Zone Boundary Coastal Zone Boundary
Parcel Boundary (5)
Parcel Boundary Parcel Boundary
Pepperdine University LRDP (6)
Pepperdine University LRDP (Shown for Context Only) Pepperdine University LRDP (Shown for Context Only)
Rural Village (7)
Rural Village Rural Village
Coastal_Zone Campground (9)
Public Campground Public Campground
Trails (2012 National Park Service) (10)
Trail (2012 National Park Service Trail Inventory) Trail (2012 National Park Service Trail Inventory)
Backbone Trail (11)
Backbone Trail Backbone Trail
Class III Bike Route - Existing (12)
Class III Bike Route - Existing Class III Bike Route - Existing
Class III Bike Route - Proposed (13)
Class III Bike Route - Proposed Class III Bike Route - Proposed
Significant Ridgeline (15)
Significant Ridgeline Significant Ridgeline
State-Designated Scenic Highway (16)
State-Designated Scenic Highway State-Designated Scenic Highway
State-Designated Scenic Highway 200-Foot Buffer (17)
Scenic Route (18)
Scenic Route Scenic Route
Scenic Route 200-Foot Buffer (19)
Scenic Route 200-Foot Buffer Scenic Route 200-Foot Buffer
Scenic Element (20)
Scenic Element Scenic Element
National Hydrography Dataset Streams (22)
Stream Stream
H2 Habitat (High Scrutiny) (23)
H2 Habitat (High Scrutiny) H2 Habitat (High Scrutiny)
H1 Habitat (24)
H1 Habitat H1 Habitat
H1 Habitat 100-Foot Buffer (25)
H1 Habitat 100-Foot Buffer H1 Habitat 100-Foot Buffer
H1 Habitat Quiet Zone (26)
H1 Habitat Quiet Zone H1 Habitat Quiet Zone
H2 Habitat (27)
H2 Habitat H2 Habitat
H3 Habitat (28)
H3 Habitat H3 Habitat
FEMA Flood Zone (30)
100-Year Flood Plain 100-Year Flood Plain
Liquefaction Zone (31)
Areas of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Potential Areas of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Potential
Landslide Area (32)
Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Potential Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Potential
Fire Hazard & Responsibility Area (33)
Fire Hazard & Responsibility Area Fire Hazard & Responsibility Area
Malibu LCP LUP (1986) (35)
M2 - Mountain Land (1 du/20 ac) M2 - Mountain Land (1 du/20 ac)
3 - Rural Land I (1 du/10 ac) 3 - Rural Land I (1 du/10 ac)
4 - Rural Land II (1 du/5 ac) 4 - Rural Land II (1 du/5 ac)
5 - Rural Land III (1 du/2 ac) 5 - Rural Land III (1 du/2 ac)
6 - Residential I (1 du/ac) 6 - Residential I (1 du/ac)
8A - Residential III(A) (2 to 4 du/ac) 8A - Residential III(A) (2 to 4 du/ac)
8B - Residential III(B) (4 to 6 du/ac) 8B - Residential III(B) (4 to 6 du/ac)
9B - Residential IV(B) (8 to 10 du/ac) 9B - Residential IV(B) (8 to 10 du/ac)
9C - Residential IV(C) (10 to 20 du/ac) 9C - Residential IV(C) (10 to 20 du/ac)
11 - Institution and Public Facilities 11 - Institution and Public Facilities
12 - Rural Business 12 - Rural Business
13 - General Commercial 13 - General Commercial
14 - Office/Commercial Services 14 - Office/Commercial Services
16 - Low-Intensity Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation 16 - Low-Intensity Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation
17 - Recreation-Serving Commercial 17 - Recreation-Serving Commercial
18 - Parks 18 - Parks
MU - Mixed Use - Specific Plan Required MU - Mixed Use - Specific Plan Required
Malibu LCP Zoning (1986) (36)
R-1 - Single-family residence R-1 - Single-family residence
R-2 - Two-family residence R-2 - Two-family residence
R-3-()U - Limited multiple residence R-3-()U - Limited multiple residence
R-4-()U - Unlimited residence R-4-()U - Unlimited residence
R-A - Residential agriculture R-A - Residential agriculture
R-C - Rural coastal R-C - Rural coastal
RPD - Residential planned development RPD - Residential planned development
A-1 - Light agriculture A-1 - Light agriculture
A-2 - Heavy agriculture A-2 - Heavy agriculture
A-2-H - Heavy agriculture including hog ranches A-2-H - Heavy agriculture including hog ranches
C-H - Commercial highway C-H - Commercial highway
C-1 - Restricted business C-1 - Restricted business
C-2 - Neighborhood commercial C-2 - Neighborhood commercial
C-3 - Unlimited commercial C-3 - Unlimited commercial
C-M - Commercial manufacturing C-M - Commercial manufacturing
C-R - Commercial recreation C-R - Commercial recreation
CPD - Commercial planned development CPD - Commercial planned development
M-1 - Light manufacturing M-1 - Light manufacturing
M-1.5 - Restricted heavy manufacturing M-1.5 - Restricted heavy manufacturing
M-2 - Heavy manufacturing M-2 - Heavy manufacturing
M-2.5 - Aircraft, heavy industrial M-2.5 - Aircraft, heavy industrial
M-3 - Unclassified M-3 - Unclassified
M-4 - Unlimited manufacturing M-4 - Unlimited manufacturing
MPD - Manufacturing industrial planned development MPD - Manufacturing industrial planned development
B-1 - Buffer strip B-1 - Buffer strip
B-2 - Corner buffer B-2 - Corner buffer
D-2 - Desert-Mountain D-2 - Desert-Mountain
IT - Institutional IT - Institutional
R-R - Resort and recreation R-R - Resort and recreation
P-R - Restricted parking P-R - Restricted parking
SP - Specific Plan SP - Specific Plan
SR-D - Scientific research and development SR-D - Scientific research and development
O-S - Open space O-S - Open space
O-S-P - Open space - parks O-S-P - Open space - parks
O-S-DR - Open space - deed restricted O-S-DR - Open space - deed restricted
A-C - Arts and crafts A-C - Arts and crafts
MXD - Mixed use development MXD - Mixed use development
W - Watershed W - Watershed
Land Use Policy (37)
C - Commercial C - Commercial
CR - Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation-Limited CR - Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation-Limited
OS - Open Space OS - Open Space
OS-DR - Open Space-Deed Restricted OS-DR - Open Space-Deed Restricted
OS-P - Open Space-Parks OS-P - Open Space-Parks
P - Public and Semi-Public Facilities P - Public and Semi-Public Facilities
RL1 - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) RL1 - Rural Residential (1 du/ac)
RL2 - Rural Residential (1 du / 2ac) RL2 - Rural Residential (1 du / 2ac)
RL5 - Rural Lands (1 du / 5 ac) RL5 - Rural Lands (1 du / 5 ac)
RL10 - Rural Lands (1 du /10 ac) RL10 - Rural Lands (1 du /10 ac)
RL20 - Rural Lands (1 du / 20 ac) RL20 - Rural Lands (1 du / 20 ac)
RL40 - Rural Lands (1 du / 40 ac) RL40 - Rural Lands (1 du / 40 ac)
RV - Rural Village RV - Rural Village
U8 - Residential (8 du/ac) U8 - Residential (8 du/ac)
U20 - Residential (20 du/ac) U20 - Residential (20 du/ac)
Zoning (38)
C-1 Restricted Business C-1 Restricted Business
C-2 Neighborhood Business C-2 Neighborhood Business
IT Institutional IT Institutional
O-S Open Space O-S Open Space
O-S-DR Open Space Deed-Restricted O-S-DR Open Space Deed-Restricted
O-S-P Open Space-Parks O-S-P Open Space-Parks
R-1 Single-Family Residence R-1 Single-Family Residence
R-3 Limited Multiple Residence R-3 Limited Multiple Residence
R-C-1 Rural-Coastal (1DU/1AC) R-C-1 Rural-Coastal (1DU/1AC)
R-C-10 Rural-Coastal (1DU/10AC) R-C-10 Rural-Coastal (1DU/10AC)
R-C-10,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/10,000SF) R-C-10,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/10,000SF)
R-C-15,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/15,000SF) R-C-15,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/15,000SF)
R-C-2 Rural-Coastal (1DU/2AC) R-C-2 Rural-Coastal (1DU/2AC)
R-C-20 Rural-Coastal (1DU/20AC) R-C-20 Rural-Coastal (1DU/20AC)
R-C-20,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/20,000SF) R-C-20,000 Rural-Coastal (1DU/20,000SF)
R-C-40 Rural-Coastal (1DU/40AC) R-C-40 Rural-Coastal (1DU/40AC)
R-C-5 Rural-Coastal (1DU/5AC) R-C-5 Rural-Coastal (1DU/5AC)
R-R Resort and Recreation R-R Resort and Recreation
Communities_Places (39)
Other Counties (40)