200-foot buffer surrounding existing County-designated scenic routes in western Los Angeles County. This buffer is described in §22.44.2000, Identification of Scenic Resource Areas, subsection A (Scenic Routes) in the Santa Monica Mountains Local Implementation Program, a component of the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program (adopted 2014).Constructed from roads casings [Layer 6 (right-of way) in \eGIS_Cadastral.EGIS.ASSR_PARCEL_LINES] associated with road centerlines from \DRP_ADVANCE_PLANNING\community_studies\layers\Coastal_Zone\Misc.gdb\smmcz_highways_major_roads & \DRP_ADVANCE_PLANNING\community_studies\layers\Coastal_Zone\smm_cz_rambla_pacifico_extnsn.shp. |