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Legend (DRP/GISNET_Public_Incoming)

Agricultural Resource Area (ARA) (329)
AV Integrated Regional Water Mgmt Plan (328)
Building Outline (2023) (434)
CAMS Address Points (402)
Catalina Harbor (100 Meter Buffer) (355)
Census Tract (2010) (327)
Census Tract (2020) (429)
City and Community (41)
Community Standards District (CSD) (321)
Contour 10ft (340)
Contour 50ft (339)
CSD Area Specific Boundary (320)
DRP Field Office (319)
DRP Field Office Service Area (318)
DRP Service Area (317)
Economic Opportunity Area (EOA) (356)
Equestrian District (EQD) (316)
Fire Hazards - VHFHSZ Only (422)
Freeway (344)
Green Zones - 500' Sensitive Use Buffers (426)
Hillside Management Area (414)
Hillside Management Area (25% or greater slope) Hillside Management Area (25% or greater slope)
Hillside Management Area (25% - 50%) Hillside Management Area (25% - 50%)
Hillside Management Area (50% or greater slope) Hillside Management Area (50% or greater slope)
Historic Resources (331)
Historic Context Statement / Survey Area Historic Context Statement / Survey Area
Ineligible for Listing Ineligible for Listing
Historic Resource Historic Resource
Housing Element (2021 - 2029) - Rezoning (424)
Individual Parcel Individual Parcel
Lot Consolidation; ID; IE Lot Consolidation; ID; IE
Housing Element (2021 - 2029) - Sites Inventory (423)
Individual Parcel Individual Parcel
Lot Consolidation Lot Consolidation
Inclusionary Housing Submarket Area (439)
Channel (0)
Water Body (1)
Land Use Dist. - Catalina Zoning (Boundary) (348)
Land Use Dist. - Catalina Zoning (Shading) (347)
Avalon Canyon Resort and Recreation Avalon Canyon Resort and Recreation
Open Space / Conservation Open Space / Conservation
Organized Camps and Special Facilities Organized Camps and Special Facilities
Two Harbors Resort Village Two Harbors Resort Village
Utilities and Industrial Utilities and Industrial
Land Use Policy - Community / Area Plan (Boundary) (349)
Land Use Policy - Community / Area Plan (Shading) (350)
B - Boat Storage - [Marina Del Rey] B - Boat Storage - [Marina Del Rey]
BP - Business Park - [Altadena] BP - Business Park - [Altadena]
C - Commercial - [Santa Monica Mtns. North Area & Coastal Zone] C - Commercial - [Santa Monica Mtns. North Area & Coastal Zone]
CG - General Commercial - [Santa Clarita Valley] CG - General Commercial - [Santa Clarita Valley]
CM - Major Commercial - [Santa Clarita Valley] CM - Major Commercial - [Santa Clarita Valley]
Conservation/Primitive Recreation - [Catalina] Conservation/Primitive Recreation - [Catalina]
Conservation/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Conservation/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
CR - Rural Commercial - [Antelope Valley] CR - Rural Commercial - [Antelope Valley]
CR - Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation-Limited - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] CR - Visitor-Serving Commercial Recreation-Limited - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
E - Estate/Equestrian (1 du/2.5 gross ac) - [Altadena] E - Estate/Equestrian (1 du/2.5 gross ac) - [Altadena]
Extractive Use - [Catalina] Extractive Use - [Catalina]
freeway right-of-way - [Santa Clarita Valley] freeway right-of-way - [Santa Clarita Valley]
GC - General Commercial - [Altadena] GC - General Commercial - [Altadena]
H - Hotel - [Marina Del Rey] H - Hotel - [Marina Del Rey]
H2 - Residential 2 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] H2 - Residential 2 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
H5 - Residential 5 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] H5 - Residential 5 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
H9 - Residential 9 - [Antelope Valley] H9 - Residential 9 - [Antelope Valley]
H18 - Residential 18 - [Santa Clarita Valley] H18 - Residential 18 - [Santa Clarita Valley]
H30 - Residential 30 - [Santa Clarita Valley] H30 - Residential 30 - [Santa Clarita Valley]
I - Institutions - [Altadena] I - Institutions - [Altadena]
IH - Heavy Industrial - [Antelope Valley] IH - Heavy Industrial - [Antelope Valley]
IL - Light Industrial - [Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley] IL - Light Industrial - [Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley]
Industrial/Transportation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Industrial/Transportation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Industrial/Transportation/Utilities - [Catalina] Industrial/Transportation/Utilities - [Catalina]
IO - Industrial Office - [Santa Clarita Valley] IO - Industrial Office - [Santa Clarita Valley]
LD - Low Density Residential (1 to 6 du/gross ac) - [Altadena] LD - Low Density Residential (1 to 6 du/gross ac) - [Altadena]
LMD - Low/Medium Density Residential (6 to 12 du/gross ac) - [Altadena] LMD - Low/Medium Density Residential (6 to 12 du/gross ac) - [Altadena]
Lodges/Inns [Catalina / Two Harbors] Lodges/Inns [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Marine Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Marine Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
MC - Marine Commercial - [Marina Del Rey] MC - Marine Commercial - [Marina Del Rey]
MD - Medium Density Residential (12 to 22 du/gross ac) - [Altadena] MD - Medium Density Residential (12 to 22 du/gross ac) - [Altadena]
ML - Military Land - [Antelope Valley] ML - Military Land - [Antelope Valley]
MOS - Miscellaneous Open Space - [Altadena] MOS - Miscellaneous Open Space - [Altadena]
MU - Mixed Use "Center" - [Altadena] MU - Mixed Use "Center" - [Altadena]
MU-R - Mixed Use - Rural - [Antelope Valley] MU-R - Mixed Use - Rural - [Antelope Valley]
N - Non-Urban (up to 1 du/gross ac) - [Altadena] N - Non-Urban (up to 1 du/gross ac) - [Altadena]
NF - National Forest and National Forest Managed Lands - [Altadena] NF - National Forest and National Forest Managed Lands - [Altadena]
O - Office - [Marina Del Rey] O - Office - [Marina Del Rey]
Open Space/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Recreation - Mooring - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - Mooring - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Recreation - pigeonhole boat storage - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - pigeonhole boat storage - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Structured Recreation - [Catalina] Open Space/Structured Recreation - [Catalina]
OS - Open Space - [Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica Mtns. North Area & Coastal Zone] OS - Open Space - [Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica Mtns. North Area & Coastal Zone]
OS-BLM - Bureau of Land Management - [Santa Clarita Valley] OS-BLM - Bureau of Land Management - [Santa Clarita Valley]
OS-C - Conservation - [Santa Clarita Valley] OS-C - Conservation - [Santa Clarita Valley]
OS-C - Open Space Conservation - [SMM North Area] OS-C - Open Space Conservation - [SMM North Area]
OS-DR - Open Space-Deed Restricted - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] OS-DR - Open Space-Deed Restricted - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
OS-NF - National Forest - [Santa Clarita Valley] OS-NF - National Forest - [Santa Clarita Valley]
OS-P - Open Space-Parks - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] OS-P - Open Space-Parks - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
OS-PR - Open Space Parks - [Santa Monica Mountains North Area] OS-PR - Open Space Parks - [Santa Monica Mountains North Area]
OS-PR - Parks and Recreation - [Santa Clarita Valley] OS-PR - Parks and Recreation - [Santa Clarita Valley]
OS-W - Water - [Santa Clarita Valley] OS-W - Water - [Santa Clarita Valley]
P - Parking - [Marina Del Rey] P - Parking - [Marina Del Rey]
P - Public and Semi-Public - [Santa Clarita Valley] P - Public and Semi-Public - [Santa Clarita Valley]
P - Public and Semi-Public Facilities - [Santa Monica Mountains North Area & Coastal Zone] P - Public and Semi-Public Facilities - [Santa Monica Mountains North Area & Coastal Zone]
PF - Public Facilities - [Marina Del Rey] PF - Public Facilities - [Marina Del Rey]
PR - Public and Private Recreation - [Altadena] PR - Public and Private Recreation - [Altadena]
R III - Residential III (35 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey] R III - Residential III (35 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey]
R IV - Residential IV (45 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey] R IV - Residential IV (45 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey]
R V - Residential V (75 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey] R V - Residential V (75 du/ac) - [Marina Del Rey]
RC - Rural Communities - [Twin Lakes] RC - Rural Communities - [Twin Lakes]
Residential Land Uses - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Residential Land Uses - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
RL1 - Rural Land 1 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] RL1 - Rural Land 1 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
RL1 - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL1 - Rural Residential (1 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RL2 - Rural Land 2 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] RL2 - Rural Land 2 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
RL2 - Rural Residential (1 du / 2ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL2 - Rural Residential (1 du / 2ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RL5 - Rural Lands (1 du / 5 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL5 - Rural Lands (1 du / 5 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RL5 - Rural Land 5 - [Santa Clarita Valley] RL5 - Rural Land 5 - [Santa Clarita Valley]
RL10 - Rural Lands (1 du /10 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL10 - Rural Lands (1 du /10 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RL10 - Rural Land 10 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] RL10 - Rural Land 10 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
RL20 - Rural Lands (1 du / 20 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL20 - Rural Lands (1 du / 20 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RL20 - Rural Land 20 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area] RL20 - Rural Land 20 - [Santa Clarita Valley, SMM North Area]
RL40 - Rural Lands (1 du / 40 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RL40 - Rural Lands (1 du / 40 ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
RV - Rural Village - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] RV - Rural Village - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
Right of Way - [Altadena] Right of Way - [Altadena]
SA - Seniors Accommodation - [Marina Del Rey] SA - Seniors Accommodation - [Marina Del Rey]
SP - Specific Plan - [Altadena, SCV] SP - Specific Plan - [Altadena, SCV]
TC - Transportation Corridor - [SMM North Area] TC - Transportation Corridor - [SMM North Area]
U - Utilities - [Altadena] U - Utilities - [Altadena]
undefined* - [Catalina / Two Harbors] undefined* - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Utilites/Services - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Utilites/Services - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
U20 - Residential (20 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] U20 - Residential (20 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
U8 - Residential (8 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone] U8 - Residential (8 du/ac) - [Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone]
View Corridor - [Catalina / Two Harbors] View Corridor - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
VS/CC - Visitor-Serving / Convenience Commercial - [Marina Del Rey] VS/CC - Visitor-Serving / Convenience Commercial - [Marina Del Rey]
W - Water - [Marina Del Rey] W - Water - [Marina Del Rey]
Land Use Policy - General Plan 2035 (Boundary) (352)
Land Use Policy - General Plan 2035 (Shading) (353)
RL1 - Rural Land 1 RL1 - Rural Land 1
RL2 - Rural Land 2 RL2 - Rural Land 2
RL5 - Rural Land 5 RL5 - Rural Land 5
RL10 - Rural Land 10 RL10 - Rural Land 10
RL20 - Rural Land 20 RL20 - Rural Land 20
RL40 - Rural Land 40 RL40 - Rural Land 40
RL80 - Rural Land 80 RL80 - Rural Land 80
H2 - Residential 2 H2 - Residential 2
H5 - Residential 5 H5 - Residential 5
H9 - Residential 9 H9 - Residential 9
H18 - Residential 18 H18 - Residential 18
H30 - Residential 30 H30 - Residential 30
H50 - Residential 50 H50 - Residential 50
H100 - Residential 100 H100 - Residential 100
H150 - Residential 150 H150 - Residential 150
CR - Rural Commercial CR - Rural Commercial
CG - General Commercial CG - General Commercial
CM - Major Commercial CM - Major Commercial
MU - Mixed Use MU - Mixed Use
MU-R - Mixed Use - Rural MU-R - Mixed Use - Rural
IL - Light Industrial IL - Light Industrial
IH - Heavy Industrial IH - Heavy Industrial
IO - Industrial Office IO - Industrial Office
P - Public and Semi-Public P - Public and Semi-Public
OS-BLM - Burea of Land Management OS-BLM - Burea of Land Management
OS-C - Conservation OS-C - Conservation
OS-PR - Parks and Recreation OS-PR - Parks and Recreation
W - Water W - Water
ML - Military Land ML - Military Land
MR - Mineral Resources MR - Mineral Resources
SP - Specific Plan SP - Specific Plan
Leased Parcel (Marina Del Rey) (334)
Major Fires (437)
Master Plan of Bikeways (2012) (343)
Class I - Bike Path (Existing) Class I - Bike Path (Existing)
Class II - Bike Path (Existing) Class II - Bike Path (Existing)
Class III - Bike Path (Existing) Class III - Bike Path (Existing)
Class I - Bike Path (Proposed) Class I - Bike Path (Proposed)
Class II - Bike Path (Proposed) Class II - Bike Path (Proposed)
Class III - Bike Path (Proposed) Class III - Bike Path (Proposed)
Bicycle Boulevard (Proposed) Bicycle Boulevard (Proposed)
Master Plan of Highways (342)
Mineral Resource Zone (MRZ) (330)
Parcel Boundary (333)
Parcel Fabric (332)
right-of-way (6) right-of-way (6)
subdivision (8) subdivision (8)
lot line (10; 222; 226) lot line (10; 222; 226)
cut/deed line (12; 224; 227) cut/deed line (12; 224; 227)
easement (19; 223; 228) easement (19; 223; 228)
block line (225; 229) block line (225; 229)
Planning Areas (416)
Planning Area Standards District (PASD) (440)
River, Channel or Stream (357)
Rural Outdoor Lighting District (Dark Skies) (359)
Rural Outdoor Lighting District Changes (358)
Rural Preservation Area (360)
Aviation Aviation
Open Space - BLM Open Space - BLM
Open Space - Conservation Open Space - Conservation
Open Space - National Forest Open Space - National Forest
Open Space - Parks and Recreation Open Space - Parks and Recreation
Open Space - Water Open Space - Water
Future Rural Town Area Future Rural Town Area
Rural Preserve Area Rural Preserve Area
Rural Town Area Rural Town Area
Rural Town Center Rural Town Center
Safety Related Station (361)
Sherriff, Police, CHP Stations; FBI Field Office Sherriff, Police, CHP Stations; FBI Field Office
Scenic Drives (Antelope Valley) (364)
Scenic Highway (363)
SEA (prior to OVOV / AV / GP adoption) (366)
Section Line / Rancho (367)
Setback Districts (404)
Setback District Setback (368)
Significant Ecological Area (SEA) (365)
Significant Ridgeline (369)
Significant Ridgeline Significant Ridgeline
Primary (Castaic CSD) Primary (Castaic CSD)
Secondary (Castaic CSD) Secondary (Castaic CSD)
Specific Plan - All Boundaries (418)
Specific Plan - 3rd Street (East LA) (376)
3rd Street (TOD) Zone 3rd Street (TOD) Zone
Cesar Chavez Avenue (CC) Zone Cesar Chavez Avenue (CC) Zone
1st Street (FS) Zone 1st Street (FS) Zone
Atlantic Boulevard (AB) Zone Atlantic Boulevard (AB) Zone
Neighborhood Center (NC) Zone Neighborhood Center (NC) Zone
Low-Medium Density (LMD) Zone Low-Medium Density (LMD) Zone
Civic (CV) Zone Civic (CV) Zone
Open Space (OS) Zone Open Space (OS) Zone
Specific Plan - Catalina / Two Harbors (375)
Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Conservation/Primitive Recreation - [Catalina] Conservation/Primitive Recreation - [Catalina]
Conservation/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Conservation/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Extractive Use - [Catalina] Extractive Use - [Catalina]
Industrial/Transportation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Industrial/Transportation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Industrial/Transportation/Utilities - [Catalina] Industrial/Transportation/Utilities - [Catalina]
Lodges/Inns [Catalina / Two Harbors] Lodges/Inns [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Marine Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Marine Commercial - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Recreation - Mooring - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - Mooring - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Recreation - pigeonhole boat storage - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Open Space/Recreation - pigeonhole boat storage - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Open Space/Structured Recreation - [Catalina] Open Space/Structured Recreation - [Catalina]
Residential Land Uses - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Residential Land Uses - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
undefined* - [Catalina / Two Harbors] undefined* - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Utilites/Services - [Catalina / Two Harbors] Utilites/Services - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
View Corridor - [Catalina / Two Harbors] View Corridor - [Catalina / Two Harbors]
Specific Plan - Centennial (410)
VLDR - Very Low Density Residential VLDR - Very Low Density Residential
LDR - Low Density Residential LDR - Low Density Residential
MDR - Medium Density Residential MDR - Medium Density Residential
HDR - High Density Residential HDR - High Density Residential
VHDR - Very High Density Residential VHDR - Very High Density Residential
I/C - Institutional and Civic I/C - Institutional and Civic
U - Utilities U - Utilities
C - Commercial C - Commercial
BP - Business Park BP - Business Park
OS - Open Space OS - Open Space
ROW - Right-of-Way ROW - Right-of-Way
Specific Plan - Connect Southwest LA TOD (411)
CSLA - Residential 1 CSLA - Residential 1
CSLA - RPD-5000-10U CSLA - RPD-5000-10U
CSLA - Residential 2 CSLA - Residential 2
CSLA - Residential 3 CSLA - Residential 3
CSLA - Mixed Use Development 1 CSLA - Mixed Use Development 1
CSLA - Mixed Use Development 2 CSLA - Mixed Use Development 2
CSLA - Neighborhood Commercial CSLA - Neighborhood Commercial
CSLA - Civic Center CSLA - Civic Center
CSLA - Public / Institutional CSLA - Public / Institutional
CSLA - Buffer Strip CSLA - Buffer Strip
Specific Plan - Florence-Firestone TOD (438)
RLM-1 - Residential Low-Medium 1 RLM-1 - Residential Low-Medium 1
RLM-2 - Residential Low-Medium 2 RLM-2 - Residential Low-Medium 2
RM - Residential Medium RM - Residential Medium
RSS - Residential Slauson Station RSS - Residential Slauson Station
R-1 - Single-Family Residence R-1 - Single-Family Residence
R-2 - Two-Family Residence R-2 - Two-Family Residence
R-3 - Limited Density Multiple Residence R-3 - Limited Density Multiple Residence
R-4 - Unlimited Residence R-4 - Unlimited Residence
C-M - Commercial Manufacturing C-M - Commercial Manufacturing
C-2 - Neighborhood Business C-2 - Neighborhood Business
C-3 - General Commercial C-3 - General Commercial
MXD - Mixed Use Development MXD - Mixed Use Development
MU-1 - Mixed-Use 1 MU-1 - Mixed-Use 1
MU-2 - Mixed-Use 2 MU-2 - Mixed-Use 2
MU-3 - Mixed-Use 3 MU-3 - Mixed-Use 3
MU-T - Mixed-Use Transit MU-T - Mixed-Use Transit
M-1 - Light Manufacturing M-1 - Light Manufacturing
M-2 - Heavy Manufacturing M-2 - Heavy Manufacturing
M-3 - Unclassified M-3 - Unclassified
IT - Institutional IT - Institutional
IX - Industrial Mix IX - Industrial Mix
O-S - Open Space O-S - Open Space
A-1 - Light Agricultural A-1 - Light Agricultural
Specific Plan - La Vina (374)
OS - Open Space OS - Open Space
R - Recreational Uses R - Recreational Uses
R-1 - Single Family Residential R-1 - Single Family Residential
Specific Plan - Marina del Rey (373)
B - Boat Storage B - Boat Storage
H - Hotel H - Hotel
MC - Marine Commercial MC - Marine Commercial
O - Office O - Office
OS - Open Space OS - Open Space
P - Parking P - Parking
PF - Public Facilities PF - Public Facilities
R III - Residential III (35 du/ac) R III - Residential III (35 du/ac)
R IV - Residential IV (45 du/ac) R IV - Residential IV (45 du/ac)
R V - Residential V (75 du/ac) R V - Residential V (75 du/ac)
SA - Seniors Accommodation SA - Seniors Accommodation
VS/CC - Visitor-Serving / Convenience Commercial VS/CC - Visitor-Serving / Convenience Commercial
W - Water W - Water
Specific Plan - Marina del Rey Overlays (435)
Mixed Use Overlay Mixed Use Overlay
Waterfront Overlay Waterfront Overlay
Specific Plan - Newhall Ranch (372)
E - Estate Residential E - Estate Residential
L - Low Residential L - Low Residential
LM - Low-Medium Residential LM - Low-Medium Residential
M - Medium Residential M - Medium Residential
H - High Residential H - High Residential
MU - Mixed Use MU - Mixed Use
C - Commercial (Retail / Office) C - Commercial (Retail / Office)
BP - Business Park BP - Business Park
VS - Visitor Serving VS - Visitor Serving
OA - Open Area OA - Open Area
OA/RC - River Corridor OA/RC - River Corridor
OA/HC - High Country OA/HC - High Country
Specific Plan - NorthLake (371)
SF-1 - Single Family SF-1 - Single Family
SF-2 - Single Family - Low Density SF-2 - Single Family - Low Density
SF-G - Single Family - Golf SF-G - Single Family - Golf
MF - Mutliple Family MF - Mutliple Family
MF-G - Multiple Family - Golf MF-G - Multiple Family - Golf
SF-E - Estate SF-E - Estate
C-C - Community Commercial C-C - Community Commercial
C-H - Highway Commercial C-H - Highway Commercial
I - Light Industrial I - Light Industrial
O - Open Space O - Open Space
SCH - School / Park SCH - School / Park
GF - Golf Facilities GF - Golf Facilities
Specific Plan - Universal Studios (370)
Specific Plan - West Carson TOD (412)
West Carson Residential 1 West Carson Residential 1
West Carson Residential 3 West Carson Residential 3
West Carson Residential 4 West Carson Residential 4
Residential planned development Residential planned development
Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial
Unlimited commercial Unlimited commercial
Industrial Flex Industrial Flex
Harbor UCLA Medical Zone Harbor UCLA Medical Zone
Mixed Use Development 1 Mixed Use Development 1
Mixed Use Development 2 Mixed Use Development 2
Public Public
Specific Plan - Willowbrook (408)
Drew Educational (FAR 1.5) Drew Educational (FAR 1.5)
Imperial Commercial (FAR 1.0) Imperial Commercial (FAR 1.0)
MLK Medical (FAR 1.65) MLK Medical (FAR 1.65)
MLK Medical and Overlay (FAR 2.5, 60 du/ac) MLK Medical and Overlay (FAR 2.5, 60 du/ac)
Mixed Use 1 (FAR 1.5, 30 du/ac) Mixed Use 1 (FAR 1.5, 30 du/ac)
Mixed Use 2 (FAR 3.0, 60 du/ac) Mixed Use 2 (FAR 3.0, 60 du/ac)
Open Space Open Space
Rail Right-of-Way Rail Right-of-Way
Willowbrook Residential 1 (9 du/ac) Willowbrook Residential 1 (9 du/ac)
Willowbrook Residential 2 (18 du/ac) Willowbrook Residential 2 (18 du/ac)
Willowbrook Residential 3 (30 du/ac) Willowbrook Residential 3 (30 du/ac)
Street Labels (377)
Subdivision - Active (379)
Supervisorial District (315)
Supervisorial District (2011) (431)
Town Council / Community Group (381)
Township and Range (380)
Transit Oriented District (TOD) (382)
Tribal Cultural Resources (AB 52) (383)
Band of Mission Indians Band of Mission Indians
Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians
Gabrieleno Tongva Gabrieleno Tongva
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Tejon Tribe Tejon Tribe
The Gabrieleno Tongva Indians of California The Gabrieleno Tongva Indians of California
100K (384)
10000M (385)
1000M (386)
100M (387)
USGS Quad Sheet (Topo Map) Grid (389)
Watershed (390)
ZIP Code (391)
Zoned District (ZD) (392)
Zoning (Boundary) (346)
Zoning (Shading) (345)
R-1 - Single-Family Residence R-1 - Single-Family Residence
R-2 - Two-Family Residence R-2 - Two-Family Residence
R-3-()U -Limited Density Multiple Residence R-3-()U -Limited Density Multiple Residence
R-3-()U - Limited Multiple Residence (SMMCZ only) R-3-()U - Limited Multiple Residence (SMMCZ only)
R-4-()U - Medium Density Multiple Residence R-4-()U - Medium Density Multiple Residence
R-5-()U - High Density Multiple Residence R-5-()U - High Density Multiple Residence
R-A - Residential Agricultural R-A - Residential Agricultural
R-C - Rural Coastal R-C - Rural Coastal
RPD - Residential Planned Development RPD - Residential Planned Development
A-1 - Light Agricultural A-1 - Light Agricultural
A-2 - Heavy Agricultural A-2 - Heavy Agricultural
A-2-H - Heavy Agricultural Including Hog Ranches A-2-H - Heavy Agricultural Including Hog Ranches
C-1 - Restricted Business C-1 - Restricted Business
C-2 - Neighborhood Business C-2 - Neighborhood Business
C-3 - General Commercial C-3 - General Commercial
C-H - Commercial Highway C-H - Commercial Highway
C-M - Commercial Manufacturing C-M - Commercial Manufacturing
C-MJ - Major Commercial C-MJ - Major Commercial
C-R - Commercial Recreation C-R - Commercial Recreation
C-RU - Rural Commercial C-RU - Rural Commercial
CPD - Commercial Planned Development CPD - Commercial Planned Development
M-1 - Light Manufacturing M-1 - Light Manufacturing
M-1.5 - Restricted Heavy Manufacturing M-1.5 - Restricted Heavy Manufacturing
M-2 - Heavy Manufacturing M-2 - Heavy Manufacturing
M-2.5 - Aircraft and Heavy Manufacturing M-2.5 - Aircraft and Heavy Manufacturing
M-3 - Unclassified M-3 - Unclassified
MPD - Manufacturing--Industrial Planned MPD - Manufacturing--Industrial Planned
B-1 - Buffer Strip B-1 - Buffer Strip
B-2 - Corner Buffer B-2 - Corner Buffer
D-2 - Desert-Mountain D-2 - Desert-Mountain
IT - Institutional IT - Institutional
R-R - Resort And Recreation R-R - Resort And Recreation
P-R - Parking Restricted P-R - Parking Restricted
SP - Specific Plan SP - Specific Plan
SR-D - Scientific Research and Development SR-D - Scientific Research and Development
O-S - Open Space O-S - Open Space
O-S-P - Open Space - Parks O-S-P - Open Space - Parks
O-S-DR - Open Space - Deed Restricted O-S-DR - Open Space - Deed Restricted
MXD - Mixed Use Development MXD - Mixed Use Development
MXD-RU - Rural Mixed Use Development MXD-RU - Rural Mixed Use Development
W - Watershed W - Watershed
Zoning Index Map Grid (394)
Zoning Map Grid (393)
Zoning SP Category (433)
SubLink (400)