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Layer: Historic Resources (ID: 331)

Name: Historic Resources

Display Field: Name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: OverviewThis layer identifies historic resources and their attributes located in unincorporated areas or on County owned land and listed, or in some cases eligible for listing, on the National, California and/or County registers. This information supports the County’s Historic Preservation Ordinance, Mills Act Program and CEQA. The LA County Planning's Historic Preservation Program website is the central location for all things related to the Historic Preservation efforts in the County.In early 2024, this data layer was overhauled to include additional data from other sources. All of the data sources are listed below.Data SourcesBuilt Environment Resource Directory (BERD) - The Built Environment Resources Directory (BERD) files provide information, organized by county, regarding non-archaeological resources in the Office of Historic Preservation’s (OHP) inventory, and more information can be found here.County Adopted Landmarks - these are identified in the County Register.County Proposed or Eligible Districts - not yet officially adopted.County Historic Context Statements, Historic Surveys and Preservation programs - these are identified on the Historic Preservation > Resources site.DRP - Energov - These are parcels with a Mills Act contract, but are not on any official register.State and National Registers - Landmarks or Districts listed on State and National registers.Cal Fire - Flags structures in unincorporated areas that have been damaged by major fires.For more information, please visit the Historic Preservation Program site.Fields DescriptionsName - Name of the site or district. Note that some of the names listed are generic, or they may not have a name at all.Description - A description of the site or district. Note that not all sites will have a detailed description.APN(s) - Parcel number of the site, or multiple parcel numbers if the site contains multiple parcels. Some sites are within right-of-ways and may not have a parcel number.Address or Location - an address or a description of the location.Year(s) Built - The year a structure was built. Not all built data is available, or may not be applicable.Status Code / Description - The status code and description for a site as established from the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). For list, click here.Potential Themes - For a Historic Context Statement and Survey, themes are a way to categorize patterns of historical development. More information about this and of Historic Contexts and Surveys in general is here.Architectural Style - Describes the architectural style of the buildings, where applicable.Source - Source agency or database of the site or district.Source Date - The date the source material was extracted.Year Designated - The year a site or district was officially added to a County, State, or National Registry.Mills Act Contract - Whether a site is under a Mills Act contract which is an agreement between a property owner and a local government to preserve the historic resources on their property and receive property tax relief. More information from OHP is here.Jurisdiction - Identifies whether the site or district is in a city or unincorporated area. Most of the sites in this layer will be in unincorporated areas, but, there are sites within cities that are official County Landmarks (like the Hollywood Bowl).City / Unincorporated Community - Identifies the city or community name of the site or district. See Jurisdiction note above for cities.Notes - Explanatory notes about a site - mostly references to the source materials.File Location (Hyperlink) - Hyperlinks to source materials.County Landmark / District Number - Identification number for the official LA County. More information is here.County Designation Date - Date that a landmark or district was adopted. More information is here.CA_TYPE / CA_NUM / CA_DATE - These are the official types, ID numbers, and dates for those sites in the California Registry. Visit the California Historical Resources page here.NALANDMARK / NA_TYPE / NA_NUM / NA_DATE - These are the official types, ID numbers, and dates for those sites in the National Registry. A link to the National Register of Historic Places is here.Legend - These are the general categories of sites and districts that are used in the symbology of GIS-NET.Fire Damage - Flags sites that have structures that were damaged or destroyed from major fires with the following categories per Cal Fire:No Damage: sites within or near a fire perimeter that were not damaged by the fire listedAffected: 1 - 9% damageMinor: 10 - 25 % damageMajor: 26 - 50% damageDestroyed: over 50% damageInaccessible: site unable to be assessedFire Damage Notes - Lists the name of the fire, and flags those sites that have multiple structures with multiple damage categories.Update History:1/13/22 - added 'Holmes House' in Altadena that was adopted by the BOS on 2/9/21.6/23/22 - added 'Unique Theatre' (County landmark), and 'Chicano Moratorium March August 29, 1970' (State and Fed district) - both in East Los Angeles.7/26/22 - added 'Jackie Robinson Park' (County landmark) in Antelope Valley. Adopted by the BOS on 6/14/22.8/1/23 - 'Pearson House' (County landmark) in Altadena was adopted by the BOS on 7/25/23.1/2/24 - updated boundary for 'Jackie Robinson Park' to match what was adopted by BOS (was missing the eastern parcel when originally created).2/24 - 3/34 - added several historic context statements and surveys3/26/24 - removed state and federal sites due to incomplete information.4/2/24 - added to the Department of Regional Planning's production database (SDE).6/12/24 - added several sites that came from the BERD data (see description above) and added a 'Legend' field to symbolize the data in GIS-NET.11/18/24 - added the 'Old Glory' (heritage oak tree) County Landmark that was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on 9/24/24.1/20/25 - added the following: Owen Brown Gravesite, Henry Dart Greene House, Bob Hope Patriotic Hall Landmark, Bertrand House (Pending).1/26/25 - added fields for Fire Damage following the Eaton and Palisades fires. These were coded with the latest Damage Inspection (DINS) data from Cal Fire on this day.

Copyright Text: County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning Zoning Permits East / GIS Section

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 1200000.0

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Can Modify Layer: true

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