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accessInformation: Mark Greninger Geographic Information Officer County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department 350 South Figueroa St Suite 188 Los Angeles, CA 90071 mgreninger@isd.lacounty.gov (213) 253-5624
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: This dataset contains address points from the Countywide Address Management System, a collaborative program between the County’s Registrar/Recorder, Chief Information Officer, Public Works Department, Department of Regional Planning, and many local cities to manage addresses and street centerlines for the purposes of geocoding and cartography. More information about this layer can be found on the eGIS Data Repository data layer page.What this data is (and isn’t)This dataset contains the best available information, with close to 3 million primary and secondary addresses in the County of Los Angeles. It does NOT include information about every unit, suite, building, and sub-address. With probably over 7 million addresses, we have a ways to go.DescriptionThis dataset includes over 2.9 million individual points for addresses in the County. Data has been compiled from best available sources, including city databases, LA County Assessor parcels, and the County’s House Numbering maps. Please see the Source field for information.Street Name information has been split into multiple fields to support the County’s specifically designed geocoders – please see the entry on LA County Specific Locators and Matching rules for more information.Multi-address ParcelsSome of our data sources (LA City, LA County, for example) have mapped each individual address in their city. These may also show unit information for an address point. A property with multiple addresses will show a point for each address. For some cities where this has not happened, the data source is the Assessor, where the primary address of the property may be the only address shown. We invite cities and sources with more detailed information to join the CAMS consortium to continue to improve the data.Legal vs. Postal CitiesMany users confuse the name the Post Office delivers main to (e.g. Van Nuys, Hollywood) as a legal city (in this case Los Angeles), when they are a postal city. The County contains 88 legal cities, and over 400 postal names that are tied to the zipcodes. To support useability and geocoding, we have attached the first 3 postal cities to each address, based upon its zipcocode.
title: CAMS Address Points
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0