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CIO/SWITRS_Data (MapServer)

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Service Description: The Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) is collected and maintained by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). SWITRS contains all collisions that were reported to CHP from local and governmental agencies.The data available here were downloaded from the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) as UC Berkeley (http://tims.berkeley.edu/index.php). TIMS was established by researchers at the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at the University of California, Berkeley to provide data and mapping analysis tools and information for traffic safety related research, policy and planning.

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Description:

Copyright Text: CHP, SWITRS

Spatial Reference: 102645  (2229)  LatestVCSWkid(0)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Time Info: Units: esriFeet


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: false

Resampling: false

MaxRecordCount: 1000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

Supports Query Data Elements:

Min Scale: 1155582

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info

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