{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "These City Annexation polygons are used for city boundary investigation and analysis. The data may also be used for retrieval of land records and general cartographic purposes. The data is based on the Los Angeles County Seamless Cadastral Landbase, which is jointly maintained by the Los Angeles County Assessor and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. (This data is mostly complete, save the creation of ocean features as identified in legal descriptions, 05/29/2013.)", "description": "This layer contains information for locating past and present legal city boundaries within Los Angeles County. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works provides the most current shapefiles representing city annexations and city boundaries on the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal. True, legal boundaries are only determined on the ground by surveyors licensed in the State of California. Numerous records are freely available at the Land Records Information website, hosted by the Department of Public Works.", "summary": "These City Annexation polygons are used for city boundary investigation and analysis. The data may also be used for retrieval of land records and general cartographic purposes. The data is based on the Los Angeles County Seamless Cadastral Landbase, which is jointly maintained by the Los Angeles County Assessor and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. (This data is mostly complete, save the creation of ocean features as identified in legal descriptions, 05/29/2013.)", "title": "City Annexations", "tags": [ "Legal City", "Boundary", "Detachment", "Annexation", "City Reorganization", "City Change of Reorganization", "Parcel Base", "City Boundary", "City Layer", "City Limit", "City Extent", "City Annexation" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Los Angeles County Public Works, Mapping & GIS Services (mapping@dpw.lacounty.gov)", "licenseInfo": "
Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this data. Los Angeles County makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided herein. Derived from the Los Angeles County Cadastral Landbase, this data is based on information obtained from public and quasi-public records. Boundary locations on the ground must be determined by field surveys conducted under the direction of a licensed land surveyor. This data is not to be used as an aid for marine navigation. If an error is found, or if there are general questions, please contact the individuals listed in the Credits.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }