{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This is a countywide layer of Schools.", "description": "

This is a layer of K - 12 Schools that is intended to follow the outline of the parcel upon which the it resides. It is a combination of a point layer that was geocoded from the Department of Education (DOE) from February, 2017, and the selected parcel from which it intersected. The DOE updates their public schools list weekly, and the private schools once a year. Original downloads can be found in 'OUTSIDE_ENTITIES\\Other_Agencies\\CA_Dept_of_Education. The eGIS Land Types layer was merged with it as the 'point-to-parcel' selection didn't get every parcel within the school. Additionally, the layer from the Jessica's Law analysis was used to get any schools that were missed. Below is a description of the Jessica's Law methodology:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Jessica's Law Analysis: <\/SPAN>The primary data source for this 2011 layer came from the 2008 Jessica\u2019s Law project performed for the Board of Supervisors. That project pulled coded information from parcel data and checked it against existing Thomas Bros. data and Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium (LAR-IAC) 4\u201d resolution aerial imagery. A further step was taken with the layer by comparing it with information from the Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS Repository, the Los Angeles Times California School Guide website, and by using ortho and oblique aerial imagery, and street level imagery to verify the accuracy of the data. Last update: January 2011.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Below is a description of the fields, as well as the update history and next steps:<\/SPAN><\/P>