{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Historic resources as identified by the LA County Planning Historic Preservation Program, and other sources.", "description": "



This layer identifies historic resources and their attributes located in unincorporated areas or on County owned land and listed, or in some cases eligible for listing, on the National, California and/or County registers. This information supports the County\u2019s Historic Preservation Ordinance, Mills Act Program and CEQA. The LA County Planning's Historic Preservation Program <\/SPAN>website<\/SPAN><\/A> is the central location for all things related to the Historic Preservation efforts in the County.<\/SPAN><\/P>


In early 2024, this data layer was overhauled to include additional data from other sources. All of the data sources are listed below.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Data Sources<\/SPAN><\/P>