{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This is a comprehensive file of locations in the County, including locations where the government provides services, physical locations like mountain peaks. The data is broken down into over 300 categories for use in mapping and analysis.", "description": "

This dataset comes from the County\u2019s <\/SPAN>Location Management System (LMS)<\/SPAN><\/A>, which is a collaborative system to locations across the County. The full dataset contains over 73,000 locations, including 63,000 public (available for download below) and14,000 non-public locations (available for government entities only) with consistent attributes. Location types are broken into more than 270 unique types using three categories (cat1, cat2, cat3) that provide detailed breakdowns of the location types.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Information contained in the LMS Data<\/SPAN><\/P>

I have noticed that many folks don\u2019t realize the value of this dataset because they are looking for a specific item (like \u201cLibraries\u201d) and don\u2019t find it on this site \u2013 but it is part of this dataset. So I have added a full text listing so that you can know to look here. You need to extract the relevant data through queries.<\/SPAN><\/P>

This dataset is the single, central repository for locations of interest to government, including basic information about those locations. So we will keep heliports in our dataset, but not dry cleaners.<\/SPAN><\/P>

To download an Excel table showing the full set of Categories, download: <\/SPAN>Location Categories (includes use constraints and data owners).xlsx<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

Data Sources<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data was compiled from the following data sources:<\/SPAN><\/P>